Thurston Community Television Logo

Thurston Community Media is a membership organization open to all residents of Thurston County and provides public, educational, and government access television from the facility in Olympia, WA.

Thurston Community Television Image
The Goal

Facility Refresh

Thurston Community Media had evolved over a period of time, but had not seen a material investment in its technical infrastructure in many years. This upgrade would need to treat a number of conditions in a budget-conscious manner.

The Challenge

Longevity and Easy of Use

PEG channels like Thurston Community Media typically have a 10-15 year capital refresh cycle for major upgrades. So selecting equipment that could be serviceable for the duration, with a cost-effective, non-invasive upgrade path, was critical.

Another important goal for this project was the ease of use for the members of the organization since members have full use of the studio and control room and are trained by other company staff.

Thurston Community Television Image
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The Solution

Training the Trainer

The facility saw a major HD upgrade, with ZTransform at the helm of the planning, design, installation, and readiness testing. The remodeled studio is equipped with two new SMPTE Fiber Studio Cameras, two PTZ Studio Cameras and features a new high-definition projection system for training and community events.

Many of the products, including the Ross Carbonite switcher and Xpression 3D Motion Graphics system, were selected for performance and reliability as well as for the training and support provided by the manufacturer. This allowed Super Users to train the remaining staff prior to relaunch, and as recurrent training was necessary.

The Result

Community Production

With the upgraded facility, Thurston Community Media delivers communication resources that build stronger communities. They have become local leader in media education and content creation, with access to emerging technologies that improve speed of content delivery and its visual quality.

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Key Technologies

The following technologies contributed to the success of the project:

  • Ross Carbonite
  • Ross XPression
  • 2x PTZ Studio cameras
  • 2x SMPTE311 Studio cameras
  • HD Projection

3D HD Motion Graphics system

SMPTE Fiber Studio Cameras

HD Projection System

Key Services

Planning & Development

Detailed work-flow planning, space planning, furniture/casework, electrical, acoustic and lighting

Engineering & Design

Designs were delivered as AutoCAD line drawings, conceptual drawings, architectural drawings, and wire run-list packages

Systems Integration

Long-term ease of maintenance and future upgrades were top of mind, using best of breed equipment


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April 5th – 9th, Las Vegas
There’s no better place to connect with the industry and exchange knowledge than NAB! Our technology-aware and operationally-savvy experts will be on site to discuss your specific needs. If you need help with planning, design, integration or launch services for your next project, let’s meet up.

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April 5-9th, Las Vegas